
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Getting ready for the party

The count down is on for Lexi's party.  Getting the list out, do we have everything? Friday's the last day to get it all together.  We have cupcakes to bake, marshmallow's to dip and pasta salad to prepare.  So this is what I've been up to in the last couple of days.

I wanted to add  something, so I decided to make the number 5 cute huh, now the back story I needed a piece of cardboard and I was walking my dog and I had seen this garage sale sign up for a couple of days and it was Monday morning so who has a garage sale on a Monday right, so I nab it right up and I beautified the neighborhood in the process. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

My daughter wanted a tutu for Lexi and we have been looking, but they were expensive and were trying to do all of this on a budget, so I said I would do it so I went to the Big W and found the tulle and got 3 yards at 97 cents a yard and I also got the a yard and 1/2 of the heavy kind so it was under 5 bucks
Here is the tutu, it should do the trick for my first try I think it came out just fine.

I had to share what it looks like around here,  I have to put anything related to operation Ladybug all in the same area or trust me I will forget something and I still have things here and there. I have a kids table were I do most of my crafting and it's piled high with stuff. I shoved it all in the basket which has the glass jar's for the candy buffet, goody bags, stuff for the centerpiece and I even have the pasta and dressing there.
Another shot of the pom poms, I made some more and I just shoved them onto my bakers rack.  ah see my little sweet rabbit, I collect tureens and I like rabbits and it was a gift from my friend Lu.

Well that's it for now I still have to finish a small detail on my gift I'm sewing up for Lexi.  So stay tuned for the party pic's.

With all my heart,


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