I thought I'd share what I've been up to lately. I've been sewing for my granddaughter who turned 11 on the 25th.
Her favorite color is turquoise so I went out and got this, I thought it was colorful.
I decided to make her a skirt. It only uses 3 pattern pieces so it was pretty simple. That's the kind of sewing I like.
I thought I would embellish this tee shirt I got at the big W.
I made 3 of these rolled flowers and added a little bling.
I picked up a bangle bracelet at a garage sale. I covered that with the same fabric. I also made her a cute bag but I forgot to get a pic of that.
Here's the end result her skirt was so easy to make.
To my sweet Jazz,
May the Lord bless you and guide you in all that you do. May he pour grace down upon you, as you become a girl for God.
Love You,
Stay tuned for more of my life in 1000sqft.
With all my heart,